Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pilates: A Dorm Room Workout!

Last weekend, my roommate, who also happens to be my best friend from home, came back from the mall with a little surprise. While at Border's, she bought a Pilates DVD. This "Core Fusion" workout was put together by Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito, two founding members of the mind/body spa Exhale,which has many locations around the United States. I had never done Pilates before, and was excited to try it. Personally, I think it is the perfect workout for college students who don't have the motivation, time, or confidence to go to a fitness center. In our dorm room in Courtney Hall, we did all five of the ten minute workouts provided on the DVD. It was harder than we expected, and our abdominal muscles were definitely sore the next day, but it was well worth it. It was inexpensive, and takes less than an hour to complete. Pilates incorporates the poses and relaxation techniques of yoga, along with exercises to strengthen the core muscles. I would absolutely recommend this DVD to anyone who is looking for a new type of workout!


  1. I also love Pilates and I am a big fan of doing the workout videos in the dorm. My roommate freshman and sophomore year loved to go to the gym but also loved all the dvd’s that you would see on the infomercials and we bought and tried a bunch of them, everything from Pilates to hip hop abs : ) Dvs’s are a great way for people who want to work out but don’t want the hassle of the crowded gym or the cold walk. So enjoy your Pilates and I hope you and your roommate stay with it.

  2. I think this is a great idea because it is something that anyone could do. I know that if I was not on a team here at Westfield I would probably never go to the gym. I would feel out of my element going there, but I would still want to stay fit and active. Good luck with the Pilates!

  3. This sounds like a great idea to stay active, plus it is a great workout. I have always thought about buying a DVD but was not sure if they were any good. Thanks for the recommendation. I do go to the gym a few days a week, but this would be a good way to change things up.


  4. This sounds like an excellent way to stay active with out going to a local gym. I would deffinately like to try dorm room pilates. I've done pilates classes before but they were very inconveniant because i had those classes at times when i was very busy. Doing pilates in my dorm room would mean i could do it when ever i wanted to and it wouldnt make my schedule too busy.
