Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pilates: A Dorm Room Workout!

Last weekend, my roommate, who also happens to be my best friend from home, came back from the mall with a little surprise. While at Border's, she bought a Pilates DVD. This "Core Fusion" workout was put together by Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito, two founding members of the mind/body spa Exhale,which has many locations around the United States. I had never done Pilates before, and was excited to try it. Personally, I think it is the perfect workout for college students who don't have the motivation, time, or confidence to go to a fitness center. In our dorm room in Courtney Hall, we did all five of the ten minute workouts provided on the DVD. It was harder than we expected, and our abdominal muscles were definitely sore the next day, but it was well worth it. It was inexpensive, and takes less than an hour to complete. Pilates incorporates the poses and relaxation techniques of yoga, along with exercises to strengthen the core muscles. I would absolutely recommend this DVD to anyone who is looking for a new type of workout!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Being Healthy In College

As a very busy college freshman, I completely understand how hard it can be to balance classes, work schedules, and relationships, not to mention eating healthy and getting enough exercise. Still, as young adults, college students need to remember to eat healthy while away at school. Although it may be easier to skip meals because of your busy schedule,eating three meals a day along with little snacks throughout is very important. With this type of diet, your brain stays active and you will feel more energized. Make time for exercise, too. Endorphins released during physical activity will make you feel better when you're not having such a good day. As obvious as it may seem, following the Food Pyramid is also very important, and all of the food groups should be incorporated into your diet. If you find yourself hungry between meals, try keeping nutritious foods in your dorm room to snack on, such as fruit, nuts, granola bars, and yogurt. Keep checking back for easy tips and healthy ideas to try!