Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stay Safe While Running

I read an article in a magazine a few months back about women who have been attacked during their daily jogs. I've always been one to go for runs, and my mom always made me bring my cell phone with me, and made sure I would not be running in an isolated area. Now that the weather is nicer, I, as well as many other students on our campus, will be going out running almost on a daily basis. I think it is EXTREMELY important, not only for women, but for everyone to know how to prevent any confrontations, and what to do if you're put in a difficult situation. Here are some tips on what you can do to protect yourself.

  • Grab a partner. There's safety in numbers, and an attacker is less likely to approach more than one person. If you can't find a partner, stay in areas where there are people around.

  • Stay focused and alert. If you have to bring an iPod, keep only one earbud in, so you can hear what's going on around you.

  • Bring some form of ID, and although it may be inconvenient, bring a cell phone. Also, let someone know where you're going, and give them an estimate on when you'll be back.

  • Keep moving. Don't approach a car to give directions, and, as elementary as it may sound, don't talk to strangers.

Common sense is the most important thing regarding safety while running. Run in familiar areas, and always report any suspicious activity. Although many of these tips seem obvious, many people don't follow these guidelines. If you want extra information, click the link I've posted below. Remember to stay alert, and stay safe! Good luck on your run!

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