Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Get Out and Get Active!

If you're anything like me, you've been looking forward to watching all this winter snow melt away. Well, for the most part, it's finally gone! This gives all of us a chance to go outside, enjoy the weather, and stay physically active. Not sure how to go about doing that? Here are some ideas.

  • Not interested in structured teamsports? Grab a few friends and start a pickup game of wiffleball on the green. Or, join a game that's going on. It's a great way to meet new friends, and there are always people out around campus when it's nice outside.

  • Skip the shuttle. The weather is gorgeous, so there is no excuse not to walk to classes or anywhere else. Even those who have classes at 333 can walk there in under twenty minutes. That adds up to about 30-40 minutes of walking each day!

  • Change your routine. Personally, I'm sick of running on the treadmill rather than outside. If this is the same for you, start running outside. Map out a route and get going! The change of scenery will prevent you from becoming bored with your exercise.

Hopefully one of these tips will help you to stay active this spring. So get out there and enjoy the beautiful New England never know how long it's going to last! :)

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